Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Used Moving Boxes Tip 05: Halloween Costumes

hallowYou can't beat used moving boxes as a source of Halloween costumes. And I'm not just talking about being a used moving box for Halloween, though to many people just the sight of a moving box triggers a horrific PTSD response (of course that's only because they probably got ripped off buying over-priced new boxes and wasted tons of time, money, and trees by not ordering them from

Seriously though, you can have A LOT more fun on Halloween by reallocating your shopping time and money and sitting down with the family and carefully and responsibly using a box cutter knife to carve out any shape you want.

Just yesterday I was making a new set of Moving Boxes Man and Boxy Lady costumes for marketing events. It was so much fun and so satisfying when I was able to make an almost totally symmetrical pattern by eyeballing it.

The best fastener for cardboard costumes is thinly sliced laces of used bike inner tube. It basically gives you a cross between rope and rubber bands. You know how rope usually won't keep the proper tension if you really want to keep something tight? By the time you've got a knot on it (unless your a knot pro), there's enough slack to ruin the alignment of whatever your working on. With bike tube, you can pull it extra tight and stretch it far beyond the length needed to secure the objects. Then, you don't have to tie 50 overhand knots to keep it from sliding away. The rubber will create so much friction against itself you can get a way with one knot most of the time.

With this combo of versatile materials, plus some paint and other decorations, you can really be anything you want, at least for a day, unless you're a freak like me and you make a living this way!

Happy Halloween!

-Moving Boxes Man

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